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In the quiet suburb of Coburg is the Harry House, a gorgeous addition that is spatially efficient, but artfully presents its functionality with warmth and joy.
Designed for a client of Japanese heritage and her family, the Harry House is the extension of a pre-war, weatherboard cottage in Coburg, Victoria. The Melbourne architecture firm of Archier took the time to learn the family’s habits and personalities and incorporated Japanese design elements, like the focus on spatial efficiency, to create the two floor addition.
It sits behind the home, clad in charred timber, and is only hinted at when the front door is opened—the sightline piercing through both buildings draws the eye into the backyard garden.
The home addition, named after the family dog, has a sense of play despite the focus on efficiency. It’s a kind of modern, adult treehouse where the chosen materials have life and honesty, unashamed of mistakes and blemishes, but also continue the feeling of warmth from the original building. Found in the kitchen and bathrooms, our Scala mixers in Living Tumbled Brass bring that authenticity into the everyday areas.
Scala’s timeless design can effortlessly complement the modern touches of the kitchen while also enhancing the simplicity of the Japanese-styled bathrooms. In Living Tumbled Brass, the taps’ dynamic finish reacts to touch and over time the patina of the fixtures will develop their own unique character.